
Welcome to the Trek 2 Tiny Studio, my name is Hillary and I live in a 300sqft home I built myself in the mountains of North Idaho. My tiny house is where I live full-time and create my art. 

My love of textiles bloomed as a young girl on a trip to Sturbridge Village, a recreated 1830s rural New England town. I wandered into a cabin where women were weaving, spinning and sewing and was mesmerized.  I longed to be riding in a covered wagon wearing a bonnet, cozy skirts and settle into a beautiful mountain village where I would be the local seamstress.

I bought an ambitious cross stitch that depicted Sturbridge Village and spent the entire summer with a needle and thread, working stitch after stitch until the village came to life. I don't know where that piece ended up, but the joy of hand sewing was imprinted on my heart.

I hope you can sense the love and time that goes into my work!

You can also find me on Facebook and Instagram@trek2tinystudio